BMW X2 speculatively rendered

 BMW X2 speculatively rendered
BMW recently registered a large amount of new tradenames. One of those included the "X2" which has sparked speculation that a sloping roofline version of the X1 could be produced by the Bavarians. To feed the anticipation a little further, here is an artistic rendering completed by Roger Lighterness that considers what the production model might look like.

Although the rendering keeps consistent with the current X cars SUV design, previous rumors have stated the final model will boast more dynamic and sportier coupe body styling. Insiders have also stated that it would be a cross between the X and Z models and might have a similar style to the original X Coupe Concept that was originally introduced in 2001.
BMW is yet to confirm the X2 for production with development currently being focused on the larger X4 model.

Source: BMW Blog