Stolen and dismantled BMW X6 squeezed inside a Volkswagen LT van, thief gets caught at border

 Stolen and dismantled BMW X6 squeezed inside a Volkswagen LT van, thief gets caught at border

Grand Theft Auto: Romanian Edition

A Romanian car thief thought of an innovative way to steal a BMW X6 and make it through the border checkups.

It seems car stealing is not what used to be as thieves are getting more and more ingenious, such as this Romanian guy who took a part a BMW X6 and fitted most parts inside an old Volkswagen LT panel van. He stole the SAV in Italy and was on his way to Romania but unfortunately for him the adventure didn't end so well.
He managed to get out of Italy, Austria and Slovenia but ran out of luck at the Nagylak border in Hungary. The authorities felt there was something fishy about the cargo being transported and they ran a database search, immediately finding out the X6 was reported as stolen in Italy. PHOTOS
Source: via